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The Anna & Raven Show Podcast

Thursday, January 30, 2025: Realizing Your Getting Old; Measuring Our Near Ends; Watching Movies Before Work!

46 minutes | Thursday, January 30, 2025

Isn’t it annoying when everything in the store is locked up? CVS has a solution, but Anna and Raven aren’t sure if another app is the answer!

Anna lists three news stories that seem almost out of this world, and Raven can only pick and hear about one!

Anna and Raven have both had moments where they realized they are both getting old! Guess who has started wearing readers! 

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including where America ranks on the scale of butts, and the piercing that Nikki Minaj on her rear end!

Need one night off from the dinner making madness? The crockpot is your friend! Chef Plum knows how to make it delicious too, he has a “Chicken Crockpot” recipe that super easy and can get you back to binge watching Netflix. Find him on Insta at @Chef_Plum or at Find the recipe here:

There is a list of the top three things that people find annoying that coworkers do! Anna and Raven send Producer Julie office to see what annoys their coworkers! Do you have a coworker that does any of these things?

Anna and Raven have a coworker who watches movies! Seems normal until you hear what time he does this and why it’s such a weird time of day for this?

Nicole and Sam’s daughter is a softball player and just started high school this year. She’s very good and committed to the sport, it’s expected she may play up sometimes for varsity. They didn’t realize that when they booked their Spring break that it would be required by the school for their daughter to attend practices and there would be a tournament too. They’ve made it clear that if players miss practices or the games, they will sit out two games during regular season as punishment. Mom says they need to cancel their trip to Costa Rica. Dad says that it’s ridiculous that the school would require this for a holiday week and he’s pulling her out to go on the trip. What do you think? 

Melissa has a chance to win $6300! All she has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!

Thursday, January 30, 2025: Realizing Your Getting Old; Measuring Our Near Ends; Watching Movies Before Work!
The Anna & Raven Show Podcast

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