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The Anna & Raven Show Podcast

Thursday, January 2, 2025: Nostradamus’s 2025 Predictions; Eating Grapes Under a Table and More Superstitions; New Year, New Hobby!

52 minutes | Thursday, January 2, 2025

Anna looked up what Nostradamus predicted for 2025! Find out what he includes for this year and what Anna and Raven share their predictions are for themselves!

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the current trends including different superstitions for the New Year! Anna made Raven try one in the studio!

Dry-uary is here and it is a huge trend for tons of reasons! Anna and Raven decide if they should complete it and if cutting out alcohol for a month will make a difference!

Anna and Raven started a new initiative called Let’s Connect Again where you reconnect with an old friend and call them! There are some real benefits, and some listeners called in to share their stories of reconnecting with a friend!

Katie, Andrew aka Webby, and Nick were college radio co-workers who tried out the Let’s Connect Again initiative! Hear their reconnection story! Who knows, maybe they will make a podcast back together! 

Anna and her daughters are going to take up metal detecting in the New Year! There is a list of the top five hobby’s that people should take up in the New Year! 

Santa brought Anna’s daughter a metal detector and Anna consulted her co-worker Dee’s father, Willie, who is a metal detecting expert! He shares the common curtesy and tips!

Anna, Raven, Producer Julie and Producer Justin share their New Years Eve stories! Find out who worked, who had a low-key night, who went out, and who put together a lamp!

June “bought” Chris a Mediterranean cruise for Christmas. The problem is that Chris thinks it’s really a gift for her. If it was supposed to be a surprise gift for him, she would have suggested and paid for him to go to Las Vegas with his friends since his bachelor party was canceled due to Covid. She’s only paid the deposit and can get it back, he wants her to cancel the cruise and pay for the guys trip to Vegas. Is he out of line? She says this was supposed to be fun for both of them, he argues that she bought him a gift that was really for her. What do you think?

Dania has a chance to win $4300! All she has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!

Thursday, January 2, 2025: Nostradamus’s 2025 Predictions; Eating Grapes Under a Table and More Superstitions; New Year, New Hobby!
The Anna & Raven Show Podcast

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