46 minutes | Monday, January 27, 2025
Movie Theaters are going to start having two start times, one for the previews and one for the real start time! Anna and Raven have conflicting perspectives on this!
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including the Super Bowl matchup, and who Jason Kelce will root for during the Super Bowl!
Champagne sales are down, and they say it’s because people have nothing to celebrate! So, Anna and Raven have produced an advertisement to promote champagne!
There is a trending list of mannerisms that you have if you are an only child. Anna and Raven interview Boss Keith to see if these rules apply to him! If you are, or know, an only child, you can probably relate to these!
There are three reasons that your parents consider a certain child their favorite, even if they don’t admit it out loud! Find out what Raven’s Mom thinks about him and his siblings and what Anna’s daughters think!
Anna found a thread online where a former co-worker of Raven called him “indescribable!” We asked people around the office to describe Raven, and their responses will shock you!
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including the pop star who reached her goal weight and the Mediterranean diet!
Raven has a doormat that is not the most welcoming! We asked the Office Squad what their doormat says, and nothing comes close to Raven’s!
Evelyn’s husband’s best friend constantly comes over unannounced. He’ll show up while they’re eating dinner. He’ll show up when they’re lying on the couch watching TV. He’ll show up on Saturday mornings. Her husband, Billy, loves it. It’s his best friend; he can come over whenever he wants. She says it’s strange and she should just tell him to text before he comes, he says no, then he won’t feel comfortable, and he’ll stop. He’s a single guy; this is what makes him feel like he has somewhere to go. What do you think?
Rose has a chance to win $6000! All she has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!