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The Anna & Raven Show Podcast

Friday, January 31, 2025: Changing Your Eye Color; What’s on Your Walls; Earning Your Mommy Margarita!

50 minutes | Friday, January 31, 2025

Anna and Raven both want different colored eyes and it’s just in time because there’s a trending procedure to have your eyes tattooed!

A Van Gogh that was bought at a garage sale for $50 could get $15 million dollars at auction! Raven stole something from an ex’s wall, but Anna needs your help with wall décor!

Are you a petty partner? Find out what the top three ways are to be petty and how Anna, Raven’s wife, and Producer Julie are petty when they get in an argument with their partners! 

Anna’s six-year-old daughter just tried ketch up for the first time! Check out our Instagram @AnnaAndRaven for her reaction! Anna and Raven share the mainstream food that they have never tried!

Anna says for all you do, and all you put up with this week, you've earned yourself a drink. What did you do to earn your Mommy Margarita?

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including the cost of eggs! They call Canada to see if they can come to Canada to get eggs!

Karina’s husband, Alan, is upset that she spent $1200 on a new suit for herself. She has her own credit card and used it. He only found out that she spent that much money on it when he saw her statement shoved in her desk drawer when he was grabbing a pen. He thinks it’s financial infidelity that she made a purchase that big without telling him. She says that she’s an adult, she has a job, she doesn’t have to tell him everything she buys. She bought it with her own card- he argues that it’s THEIR money, not just her money and he should have told him. Do you agree? 

Christine has a chance to win $6400! All she has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!

Friday, January 31, 2025: Changing Your Eye Color; What’s on Your Walls; Earning Your Mommy Margarita!
The Anna & Raven Show Podcast

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