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The Anna & Raven Show Podcast

Friday, January 24, 2025: Getting Hurt at Work; Where You Keep You Change; Earning Your Mommy Margarita!

48 minutes | Friday, January 24, 2025

Ryan Seacrest got knocked over by a contestant who won and got overly excited on Wheel of Fortune! Anna and Raven share the times that they got hurt while they were at work! You’ll be shocked to hear these stories!

Anna read an article about how you can update the way that you store your change and some of the examples could cost more money than you would expect! Find out what Anna and Raven store their change in!

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including the new dress code that some airlines have been enforcing!

It’s the return of Fired Friday! Call in and tell us what happened at your job, then Anna & Raven will guess whether you kept your job or not!

Having a “Code Word” for your family is important in case they need to contact each other discreetly! But do you have a “Code Word” with your significant other in case the other one starts to lose their patience with the kids? Anna thinks her and her husband should have one!

The next round of the NFL playoffs are coming up, ESPN Exert Shannon Szefinski is back to share the things to know so you sound like you know sports! 

Anna says for all you do, and all you put up with this week, you've earned yourself a drink. What did you do to earn your Mommy Margarita?

Connor and Bella’s seven-year-old son are candy obsessed. Connor thinks it’s because Bella restricts how much candy he can have every day. He thinks that if he’s allowed to have access to whatever he wants, whenever he wants, then he’ll learn to self-regulate. Bella says that he doesn’t have the ability to self-regulate at seven years old and he’ll go crazy with the candy if it’s readily available. She says that she allows two pieces a day, that’s plenty but their son still tantrums and sneaks it. What would you do?

Karen and Melissa have a chance to win $5900! All they have to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven! 

Friday, January 24, 2025: Getting Hurt at Work; Where You Keep You Change; Earning Your Mommy Margarita!
The Anna & Raven Show Podcast

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